
[Modern Applicability of Hongik Ingan Ideology -5] Conclusion and Implications

임기추 전문위원 | 기사입력 2022/12/28 [19:34]

[Modern Applicability of Hongik Ingan Ideology -5] Conclusion and Implications

임기추 전문위원 | 입력 : 2022/12/28 [19:34]

[Currently, Korea is the world's 10th largest economy, but the failure of the national development model continues. In a situation where it is urgent to solve problems such as political and economic polarization and social conflict, the need to seek solutions or solutions to them has been raised. Under these circumstances, I would like to explore the modern realization and applicability of Hongik Ingan, the Korean people's idea, using the founding ideology, political ideology and thought. Dr. Lim Ki-chu's academic thesis titled 'Exploring the Modern Realization and Applicability of Hongik Ingan Ideology' will be published in five series. Editor's Note]




In this study, meaningful results and implications were obtained as a result of analyzing the research problem for the purpose of seeking the modern realization and applicability of Hongik Ingan's thought. It can be said that the modern applicability of Hongik Ingan thought was shown under the premise of Seongtong Gongwan practice and Jaeseihwa satisfaction. The main results and academic significance obtained from this study are as follows.


First, the modern practice method of Hongik Ingan thought was explained. There are two modern practices of Hongik Ingan thought. First of all, the method of performing Seongtong Gongwan, explained as Jigam (止感), Josik, (調息), and Geumchok (禁觸), and the next, this is Jaeseihwa. It outlines the domestic practice obligations such as legal compliance and the scope of practice of the global mission. In particular, it is said that this practice fulfills Seongtong Gongwan to be a being who practices moral awareness and responsibility together with all human beings. It explains the practice method for modern state administration under the moral responsibility after Seongtong Gongwan, and that is, the practice method of Jaeseihwa, such as legal compliance to realize Hongik Ingan in modern times. It would be of great significance to present it. If the premise of the practice of Seongtong Gongwan and the practice of Jaeseihwa is met, there is a possibility of modern realization and application of Hongik Ingan thought.


Second, on the premise of the practice of Seongtong Gongwan and Jaeseihwa, the level of practice of Jaeseihwa and Hongik Ingan for each issue related to the modern realization of Hongik Ingan ideology in terms of practical application and implementation of the perspective, the conception and construction of realization methods were sought. First of all, Hongik Ingan's point of view is based on the previous research results suggesting that between individuals, between countries, and between peoples. As for the practice aspect of Jaeseihwa, the contents of confirmation of compliance with laws and systems, changes in life of compliance with social norms and customs, basic duties of the general public and the mission of earth citizens were explained. In addition, examples of roles and measures for each decision-making agency for the modern realization and application of Hongik Ingan's thought are included.


In this way, in terms of pursuing the perspective of Hongik Ingan, including individuals, families, all walks of life, and all walks of life, we consider the practice of Jaeseihwa, such as changes in consciousness and behavior and compliance with laws and systems, the practical application and execution of Jaeseihwa to government ministries, political parties, the National Assembly, and other institutions, including the President, and the method of realization of the analysis structure was conceived. The results of this conception will be of great significance in presenting a new framework for the realization and application of Hongik Ingan ideology, which can solve pending issues within and outside the country.


Third, the applicability of Hongik Ingan thought considering the demographic characteristics was sought. First of all, considering the modern applicability and the purpose of realizing Hongik Thought in the context of various categories of reciprocal relationships between parties and stakeholders related to state administration, such as individuals and groups related to state administration, level of human attributes, classification of domains, and classification of executive and decision-making bodies, statutory and institutional decision makers We have suggested application principles that can be implemented to benefit everyone. Next, as a solution to the application of Hongik Ingan's ideology to modern state administration, the principle of pursuing the national interest first, the formation of executive capabilities in state administration among the parties and related parties for each specific state administration issue, Hongik Ingan's perspective and values The need for a oriented judgment standard was raised.


Therefore, we are currently in a situation where we are facing various problems in areas such as politics, economy, society, and unification both domestically and externally. However, by expanding the execution capacity and resolving the aforementioned challenges in the application of modern state administration, we can improve reliability, fairness, and polarization under the moral awareness and sense of responsibility through the satisfaction of Seongtong Gongwan. I think there are possibilities for the realization of resolution, improvement in quality of life, and increase in happiness. Right away, this would have the meaning of showing the modern applicability of the idea of Hongik Ingan so that all people can benefit from equal distribution in proportion to their share, contribution to happiness, and without bias or discrimination.


In conclusion, first of all, in terms of human ideology, it is possible to get a glimpse of the modern feasibility by fulfilling and securing the awareness of moral responsibility and practice. This is supported by the practice of Seongtong Gongwan and Jaeseihwa for Hongik Ingan thought. Next, by seeking the possibility of modern applicability in terms of the political ideology of Hongik Ingan, the possibility of widespread realization and application in various areas such as politics, economy, society, and unification among the fields of state administration in the future. It can be said that the proposed point has the significance of a great contribution to academic contribution. In this case, it will be possible by consideration of distribution in proportion to each share of human attributes, contribution to happiness, and various reciprocal relationships that can eliminate discrimination.


As such, this study is the first attempt to seek the modern applicability of Hongik Ingan's thought, and it may be nothing more than a research result of a small meaning. When applying such future state administration, there are limitations in the comparative analysis of alternative proposals in response to the recent government promotion, presentation of differentiation, practical policy analysis, and drawing of implications. Despite these limitations, as world-renowned scholars have pointed out the Hongik Ingan idea as the core idea of the 21st century, in the future, when applying state administration, distribution in proportion to each share of each person and happiness contribution and exclusion, or If we follow the principle without bias, it will be possible through sound discussion, fair decision and non-discriminatory execution. As such, it can be said that there is a contribution that opens a new horizon for the modern realization and applicability of Hongik Ingan's ideas so that everyone can pursue benefits.


As the significance and implications of this study, first of all, it will be meaningful to explain the modern practice method for Hongik Ingan thought. Next, an attempt was made to devise a realization method for the modern application of Hongik Ingan ideas in terms of Hongik Ingan and Jaeseihwa based on the understanding of the categories and relative relationships of Hongik Ingan. Lastly, it would be a summary of Hongik Ingan's ideas in an attempt to seek modern applicability. In the future, through the process of state administration based on the realization of the Hongik Ingan idea, it will bring about expected effects such as mitigation of domestic political and economic polarization and social conflict, improvement of the people's happiness index, and especially a significant reduction in the suicide rate. We look forward to the possibility of achieving Hongik Ingan's point of view and value realization so that everyone can live happily.



* For a list of references, please refer to “Exploring the Modern Realization and Applicability of Hongik Ingan Ideology,” 「Humanities and Social Sciences Research」 30(2), Semyung University, Korea (2022.5).


* This article is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation. References to the original Korean text: https://www.pluskorea.net/sub_read.html?uid=293022(Conclusion and Implications)


*Writer/Lim Ki-chu 


Doctor of Business Administration, Hongik Institute for Management Strategy & Director (tranlim@hanmail.net). Thank you.

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hongikingan, hongik ingan, jaeseihwa, 홍익인간, 재세이화, 관련기사목록
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