이재명, 6일 대장동 재판 불출석 사유서 제출 국회 표결들 예정…재판 출석 어렵다"
신종철기자 | 입력 : 2024/12/04 [21:48]
[국회=+코리아타임즈/신종철기자]더불어민주당 이재명 대표가 6일 예정된 대장동·백현동·위례신도시 개발 비리 및 성남FC 불법 후원금 공판에 출석하지 않기로 했다.
4일 법조계에 따르면 이 대표 측 변호인은 이날 오후 이 사건을 심리하는 서울중앙지법 형사합의33부(김동현 부장판사)에 불출석 사유서를 제출했다.
이 대표 측은 "엄중한 상황인 데다 6일 국회 표결들이 예정돼 있는 만큼 재판에 출석하기 어렵다"고 설명했다.
앞서 민주당을 비롯한 야 6당은 이날 오후 윤석열 대통령의 탄핵소추안을 국회에 제출했다.
민주당 등은 5일 탄핵소추안이 본회의에 보고되도록 한 뒤 6~7일에 이를 표결한다는 계획이다.
신종철기자 s1341811@hanmail.net
Lee Jae-myung submitted a reason for not attending the Daejang-dong trial on the 6th...
National Assembly votes to be held..."It's hard to attend the trial"
[National Assembly = + Korea Times / Reporter Shin Jong-chul] In addition, Lee Jae-myung of the Democratic Party of Korea has decided not to attend the trial for corruption in the development of Daejang-dong, Baekhyeon-dong, and Wirye new towns and illegal donations from Seongnam FC scheduled for the 6th.
According to the legal community on the 4th, Lee's lawyer submitted a letter of reason for his absence to the Criminal Agreement Department 33 (Chief Judge Kim Dong-hyun) of the Seoul Central District Court, which is hearing the case later in the day.
Representative Lee explained, "It is difficult to attend the trial as it is in a strict situation and parliamentary votes are scheduled on the 6th."
Earlier, the Democratic Party and six other opposition parties submitted the impeachment motion of President Yoon Suk Yeol to the National Assembly later in the day.
The Democratic Party and others plan to have the impeachment bill reported to the plenary session on the 5th and then vote on it on the 6th and 7th.
Reporter Shin Jong Chul s1341811@hanmail.net
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